
Sunday, April 5, 2015


My Assignment #1 Draft can be found at the following link:

It took me ages, AGES, but it's DONE! Basically. There's still a little bit to do, but mainly it's finished and decent enough to give feedback to! I hope.

Yay yay yay can't even describe in words how excited I am about finishing this!

Now I'm hoping that people will actually give me some constructive criticism on it as well. Hopefully there's some late birds out there willing to exchange feedback - fingers crossed!


  1. Awesome job! Lots of good info supplied, reading about your company was very interesting, most of us would have eaten there a couple times! :)

  2. Elina! You have soooo much information, it's fantastic! It's great that you knew about your company before getting into the assignment (and what could be more interesting than pizza?!)

    Your blog and assignment are looking superb as they are packed full of info! Of course it would've been nice to see your KCQ's on Chapter 3, but it was a pretty big assignment and with a company such as Dominoes, it's going to be huge!

    Loving your blog as it's got a mellow feel about it. I enjoyed reading through your blog and I really don't have too much else to say. Well done!

    Also if you'd like to pop over to my blog and check out my assignment and leave a bit of feedback that would be awesome! Thank you! :)

  3. WOW! Elina, you have left me speechless! your blog is amazing and so if your draft. its is like spot on! Well done. Your assignment is also really well presented. It is easy to navigate through. You have really put a lot of effort into your assignment. i could really tell when i was reading your KCQ on chapter 1 & 3 and your analysis of your annual reports. Weldon. theres really isn't much i can say to be honest :)
    Also if you wanted, would you be able to give me some feedback on my draft also please :)

  4. Your draft is super complete!!!!! It’s fabulous to see one as organised and well thought out as yours. The layout is logical and easy to follow and you give lots of details about your company and the readings we were required to do. You pose insightful questions and I understand where you are coming from with most of them :) Overall this is an amazing assessment piece and a very interesting read, I hope you do fabulously in this assessment item (and thanks for looking at my draft – sorry this isn’t more detailed) :)

  5. Wow, you have done a fantastic job on your ASS#1. Your blog is very appealing to look at, your information is written extremely well and I can see just how passionate you are ensuring your succeed in this class. Very well done!. Sophie T



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