
Monday, April 20, 2015

SPA #1

Chapter 6: Understanding key cost relationships

Following the feedback I got for my ASS #1 and the for the KCQ’s for Chapter 1 &  3, I decided that when reading Chapter 6, I will separate my thoughts and reflections into different paragraphs and subheadings, based on the subchapters provided in the study guide. It makes the marker’s life a little bit easier when reading the mess of my thoughts and maybe it will help me to make a little bit more sense of all of it as well. My biggest fear is that, when separating them in detail, I will start summarising everything and not actually reflecting my personal thoughts and opinions. Nevertheless I plan write my initial reflections down as I go, hoping that I’ll be able to translate the thoughts of the author into mine. So let’s see how I understand the ‘Understanding key cost relationships’…

Key Concepts, Questions & My Understandings of Them

After reading the paragraph, I felt like yeah, I get this, I got this, everything is quite self-explanatory. The product that the company provides to a customer has to have a bigger value to the customer than the price they pay for the product, and the money that the customer provides to the company for the product, well, has to be more valuable for the company than the product itself. Companies trade their products to customers for money – it just makes sense.. And evidently accounting has to have something to do with it – recording the transactions help the managers gain a better understanding of what is going on in the firm. Like we read in chapter 1 and 3, when firms wouldn’t enter their transactions to journals and ledgers, and provide financial statements, it would be impossible to keep track of what money came in and what money went out and when and for what. So it only makes sense that accounting has a big role in regards of the key cost relationships in the firm. I’m sure though, that it can’t be that easy. How, in particular does accounting do that? I’m sure that after reading the next 18 pages I will certainly find out, or at least try to.

Cost objects
I have to be honest, when first starting to read about the costs and the relationships between the firm and the customer, I found that the juxtaposition of cleaning my room with attaching costs to cost objects only made sense – to tidy everything up you just separate all of them to different categories, to where they belong to! It was good though that right away the author burst my bubble and said it can’t be that superficial. I like how the author emphasised the fact that understanding the relationships of a firm’s costs to the firm’s activities is critical for managers, CRITICAL! Did I already say it was critical? It does make sense though, company’s costs are the company - if the costs get out of control the company goes out of business, hence the managers have to be aware of them in order to plan and organise for the future. For example – the firm I work at, I’ve helped with constructing the weekly payment schedules, and it does make sense – you have to be aware of how much, for example, superannuation you paid last quarter, so you know the approximate amount that you have to pay for this quarter. Evidently the amounts won’t be the same, but then you at least have an expectation of what the next number will be. I found it rather surprising though, that EVERY activity in a firm costs the firm something – even storing goods in a warehouse! After further thinking, it does make sense though, because storing goods in a warehouse takes up space and the company has to pay employees to do inventory and value the products and so on. I also found surprising that we understate the firm’s profit for the period when not including the revenue they will generate in the future (because they haven’t been sold yet) whilst deducting the costs of buying or manufacturing products. So we have to include the estimated benefits as well as costs when finding the firm’s profit for a period? How do you estimate an income? From previous sales? And the revenue and costs have to stay in the same time period, otherwise, when including last period’s revenue to a new period, we would overstate the firm’s profit for the last period. I would have never thought of it before, but when I think about it, it does make sense. How do they make it successfully work though? Oooooh… They put the costs of the products into an asset, they don’t include them as an expense but wait until they sell the products! Okay, so that makes a lot more sense. Instead of estimating future revenue, they just include the costs as assets and then when the product is actually sold, they get the revenue and expenses that both match in a period where they actually belong to – the period when the product was finally sold! I always thought I had a clear understanding of the term inventory – little did I know that inventory isn’t just some stock staying in a warehouse, but it can also be seen as asset – a future economic resource for the company.

Cost of products
Of course there can’t be just ‘costs’, there has to be direct and indirect costs. Allocating direct costs to products is rather straightforward, but allocating indirect costs to products is obviously not that simple. Obviously. Why? Why can’t accounting just all be straightforward? There always has to be something to mess with our brains, always! Okay, so direct costs, are for example, salaries, because there is a clear link between the cost and the cost object – the salary and the company? I like the metaphor of fridge magnets naturally sticking to the door and the magnets that need to shoved onto the door with blue-tack! It creates such a clear picture that makes it hard not to understand the concept! It’s interesting that in some cases we’re able to identify direct and indirect costs of the product whilst it’s still being manufactured, however we can’t do that with everything - for example we can’t do it with chocolate. So when we can’t do that, we can calculate an average production cost across all the products being produced at that particular production process. So we just estimate. It’s also great that in addition to all the accounting theory, the author knows in detail how to make chocolate! An interesting read and also brings a lot more clarity to the cost side of it. So we don’t have to allocate costs to a specific product or groups of products, we can also allocate them to a manufacturing process? All in all, is job-costing attaching costs to the products while they are still being manufactured, and process-costing allocating costs to products by allocating them to a manufacturing process? In my head it makes sense, hopefully it’s correct. Oh joy, just when I started to make sense of all of it in my head, there’s more costs – product and period costs! So are product costs basically the same as direct costs – magnets easily attaching to the fridge, and are period costs same as indirect costs – needing the help of Blu-Tac to attach the magnets to the fridge??? Product costs are like assets, expecting to provide a future benefit to our firm, whilst period costs are just expenses, and do not contain any future benefits for the firm

Apportioning indirect costs

It’s surprising to read that managers can use whatever accounting approach they wish to help them understand key cost relationships in their firm – I always thought that they need to follow specific regulations or standards in order to do that! It’s good though, because it gives them the freedom to choose the approach most comfortable to them in order to understand the business realities as well as possible. It is evident though, that when constructing financial reports for outside eyes, they need to follow rules and accounting standards – it saves money and also is easier to avoid confusion – what one manager thinks is right doesn’t necessarily have to match with another manager’s opinion.  So many departments and so many costs! All the indirect costs are connected to the activities of EVERYONE in the firm. Obviously there aren’t just production departments, but also service departments who basically provide services to production departments, such as maintenance and quality control and so on.. The indirect costs need to be assigned to service departments and from there to production departments. Each of the departments have their own share of costs as well as the shared costs of other departments! How do we separate what each cost is for if there’s so many? There are two main approaches used to allocate indirect costs to products – functional-based and activity-based systems. As usual to accounting – there’s always two sides to it – ALWAYS! Functional-based costing system – using various functional relationships to approximate the actual relationship. So we separate the indirect costs to production departments and then in turn absorb these costs into specific products connected to the specific production department? The calculation got me a little bit confused – Total overheads of a production department divided by Level of Activity. How do we find the level of activity? Oh. It’s always good to keep reading.. We measure the volume of the products, for example kilograms for chocolate being worked on each stage of production or machine hours for different products. When thinking about different kinds of products and the way they need to be treated, there is still a lot estimating and approximations - all in all how accurate will all of it be? However, since it can take a whole year to know the costs for a full year it is crucial to estimate in order to know how much costs the company needs to absorb into products throughout the year. It is quite logical though, that the difference between the estimation and the actual costs are charged either into income of that period or into product costs, depending how accurate the estimation was and whether it was more or less than the actual overhead costs of that particular period. Hence it is crucial that the calculations and estimations of the overhead costs are as accurate as possible. It made me happy when I continued to read about Activity-based costing systems – a way to more accurately connect indirect costs to products, using a presumed functional relationship between cost centres and products. The system identifies the activities and then the activity is attached to each product until the product finishes using the activity. When trying to make sense of it in my head, I just see a factory and a chocolate going through different stages of the conveyor belts – different activities. When the chocolate moves on to another stage, packaging, for example, that can be seen as the next activity – the chocolate has moved on! Thanks accounting, you’ve made me sound like a crazy person. Nevertheless this is how it makes sense in my head (yes, thanks to the author there’s a fully-functioning chocolate factory in my head, trying to make sense how to connect indirect costs to products). It makes sense that it is usual for a firm to only allocate production costs. That’s why so many people, including me, don’t realise at first that actually EVERYTHING costs money in a firm, and not only the production part of a product. But because the production costs are more emphasised, it might make people to think that way.

How costs change
It seems to me, than an important ability that a manager must have, is the talent to predict the future. They have to consider future costs and revenues in order to pursue or discharge opportunities presented to the company. But only good fortune-telling skills won’t help them – they have to be able to understand how costs and revenue may change at different levels of sales or production. Fixed costs are the costs that firm has to pay and that can’t really be affected, for example salary of a full-time factory worker, whilst variable costs are changing constantly and are rarely the same, for example the costs of materials used for production. The quantity is different and the prices always change. If there’s more variable costs and that equals higher level of risk to a company, does that mean that more fixed costs equal lower level of risk to a company? Not necessarily. Firms have to be aware that high levels of fixed costs might make the customer to decline the sale. It only makes sense. For example – if I have to airline companies – one with fixed ticket prices, and other with ticked prices that are variable depending on time, luggage and so on, I most likely choose the second option because it’s more likely cheaper. Costs and level of activity in a firm are strongly connected. Costs are the results of firm’s activities, the results of a firm ‘doing things’. The relationship between fixed and variable costs and business activities help us calculate the profit at the end of the production, which in turn helps us understand the risks we are taking in our business – it helps us to look forward and decide whether risks are worth taking or not.

After reading this chapter I once again realised that there’s so much more to a firm than it might seem at first. There aren’t just costs – there’s direct costs and indirect costs, fixed and variable costs, there’s product costs and period costs, different departments of production and service, all influenced by diverse costs and a variety of systems to calculate the costs. And all of this is vital for managers to keep track of costs in their firms, to manage the costs, plan ahead and manage the risks in order to run a successful company.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


My Assignment #1 Draft can be found at the following link:

It took me ages, AGES, but it's DONE! Basically. There's still a little bit to do, but mainly it's finished and decent enough to give feedback to! I hope.

Yay yay yay can't even describe in words how excited I am about finishing this!

Now I'm hoping that people will actually give me some constructive criticism on it as well. Hopefully there's some late birds out there willing to exchange feedback - fingers crossed!

Domino's Pizza Enterprises financial statements in spreadsheets!

The spreadsheets can be found at the following link:

Saturday, April 4, 2015

KCQ’s on Chapter 1 and Chapter 3

CHAPTER 1 – ‘A Way of Viewing Business’
When reading Chapter 1 – ‘A Way of Viewing Business’, the first thing I absolutely loved is that every chapter started with a quote relating to the theme. I think it’s a great approach and keeps the reader’s brain active. I also like the author’s style of writing – it’s engaging and personal, he brings examples from his own personal life, such as the list and pictures he took himself of businesses in his hometown, or how he taught himself to touch-type when doing his Law degree. I also liked that with every statement or fact comes an example, which makes it so much easier to understand. For example, the author stated that “many businesses can mix up different ways providing services, retailing products and manufacturing products” – at first I didn’t really get that, but when he brought an example of hairdressers selling hair products, I understood it. I understood that business is about so much more than just numbers, and how business can be organised as a sole trader, meaning that it only has one owner, and that a business can be also organised as a partnership where there is more than one owner. I also understood about business being organised as a company which is separate from its owners, but business organised as a trust got me a little bit confused. It’s interesting though that about half of the directors of listed Australian companies have accounting backgrounds – there must be a reason for that!
It’s unbelievable how double-entry accounting has been around for a long-long time and we’re still following the principles of it! I mean, how did they even come up with that? But as the author stated – “Ideas are Powerful”. It’s also funny that Luca Pacioli is usually referred to as the ‘Father of Accounting’ even though he didn’t invent the system of double-entry accounting, he was just the first one describing it in a published book. What a fun fact to know! I also found amusing that we still call accounting ‘Bookkeeping’ even though there’s barely any ‘books’ involved. I also didn’t know that the keyboard we use now was first designed for typewriters, and it’s designed like that so the metal arms that held each letter of the typewriter wouldn’t hit each other and get tangled. Even though some people might find it boring or even pointless, I find that it’s great that the whole chapter isn’t all about accounting and its principles but it also talks about the history of it and fun facts that you would never think of!
When looking more into the ‘accounting’ side of the chapter, I felt like I'm already understanding more about what is going on in a business – especially in the business where I work at! When reading about software packages - in the list I found the one that my business uses as well! When reading about journals and ledgers – I recognised them as well and instantly knew what they were, I just never used to know that they are called ‘journals’ and ‘ledgers’. The business I work at also hires staff to enter data, and then we use the firm’s accountant to complete the financial statements and tax returns captured in the accounting package. I’ve actually been taught how to bring the books to the ‘trial balance’ stage, I just didn’t know it was called ‘trial-balancing’! How exciting! See, I’m starting to think that this UNI education might really pay off! The ‘real-life’ involvement really helps me to understand better of what I’m reading and vice-versa. The poor company I’m working for though…
Proprietorship got me very confused at first – but when reading the section again as well as discussing the entity concept in class, I got it – the activities of a firm are kept completely separate from those of the firm’s owners, and the purpose of double-entry accounting is not only to check the accuracy of the entry of transactions, but it’s rather a way of looking at business - to be aware that the proprietor or owner of a firm is separate and distinct from the firm itself. Kind of confusing and kind of boring, but it’s important and I got it. I think.
Accounting equation was something new to me and I didn’t really understand it at first, but when turning the page (as you do when reading) I was introduced to the five elements of accounting which made the Accounting equation make a little bit more sense! I also realised that a firm’s value is changing day-by-day and even moment-by-moment, which was a bit of a surprise to me. But it kind of makes sense due to everything that’s going around in the world – when everything is changing in the world moment-by-moment then it is obvious that the realities of business have to change, affecting the value of a firm.  Reading about the elements of accounting was a little bit boring and to understand them better, I had to read them over and over. I can’t say I understand all of them fully, but at least I know now a little bit more about them – Assets, Liabilities and Equity provide the measure of the value of a firm and of the interests of its equity owners, whilst Revenue and Expenses relate to something the firm has done to create or destroy value during a period of time. That also helps to understand the extended accounting equation a little bit better, which in turn helps us to understand the economic and business realities of firms. It’s kind of sad that I find everything that’s significant in accounting, kind of boring, but I’m sure than when I’m starting to understand the concepts better, it will get more interesting. I hope.
Even though, being completely honest – I first thought that accounting is about numbers and data and everything boring, the first chapter has proved me wrong! I also like that it encourages us not only ‘learn’ the key ideas underlying accounting, but to UNDERSTAND them. Without ‘learning’ how to ‘learn’ our UNI degree won’t give us anything. Throughout the first chapter, introducing a way of viewing business and bringing real-life examples, the author managed to engage me in the world of accounting for a good hour and a half (I’m a slow reader) without falling asleep – a surprisingly enjoyable read!

CHAPTER 3 – ‘Introducing Financial Statements’
I loved that the chapter started with an analogy, comparing the introduction to the financial statements of firms to Sarah meeting Chris at a party – so clever and amusing to read!
I also never even thought of looking at my firm’s annual reposts as a marketing document – but now, after reading this, I can totally see where the author is coming from!
It was good reading about everything already seen in the Annual Reports – the Annual Reports and its contents started to make so much more sense now. For example, I thought that the Annual Reports were the same thing Financial Statements, but reality Financial Statements are a part of the Annual Reports that contain the data we entered into our spreadsheets for our assignment!

The reading also confirmed that the balance sheet shows a firm’s financial position on a particular day – just one day, which made me a little bit more confused about my spreadsheet. Each year (from 2011-2014) my balance sheets said a different date - they went from 29th of June to 1st of July, so I wasn’t sure what to insert to the header of my spreadsheet. I ended up just putting in the Balance Date provided in our ‘Find your company’ Excel file – hopefully that will be alright. Another thing I found enjoyable in this chapter, is the way the author presented the information – slow and steady. Since there was quite a lot of info to take in, he didn’t start talking about the key concepts right away, but rather introduced the topics so the reader could get used to them. And then later on he explained the concept in a more detailed matter, providing more information and elements of it. I also liked that he explained the scary concept of footnotes as sources of further information that relate to a specific item and that we can refer to as we wish – not so scary but rather helpful!

The ‘group’ and ‘parent’ part got me a little bit confused at first – also when doing our firm’s spreadsheets we had to look at the ‘group’ statements. Nevertheless I don’t think my annual report even contained the ‘parent’ statements – at least I couldn’t find them. What I got out of it though, is that ‘parent’ is the actual company itself, and the ‘group’, is a group of companies? I’m curious to look into that a little bit more, since I feel that this will be a beneficial factor to know in the future. Even though we didn’t use the Cash Flow statement in our spreadsheets, it was good to look into and try to understand what it is and what it does – basically it shows the opening cash balance at the beginning of the period, cash inflows and outflows during the period and the closing cash balance. It’s not the most exciting thing to read about, but that might be because we couldn’t ‘play around’ with it in our assignment.

I hadn’t even heard about IOU’s before and would’ve never guessed that it stands for “I-Owe-You”. It’s also interesting to read that the idea of Ratios – key part when analysing a financial statements, is adopted from Ancient Greeks! How did they even come up with stuff like that? But I suppose that’s how it works – people just come up with things, just as Thomas Edison came up with the electric bulb and Alexander Bell invented the telephone. I didn’t know anything about Euclid’s Elements before either – the BEST mathematics text ever written. Probably that’s why I haven’t heard of it before.. It makes me feel so uneducated though, but I suppose that’s what I’m at UNI for – to educate myself and read about new (well not so new) and interesting things such as Euclid’s Elements. When reading about financial statements and analysing them - I found beneficial that even though the author provided all the requisite information on different approaches, he also recommended his favourite and justified his opinions. I also appreciate that he encourages us look outside of the box - to use a firm’s financial statements to help us engage with key aspects of our firm’s economic and business realities.

I found the concept of dividends a little bit confusing and overwhelming. The value of an equity investment in a firm is the present value today of the expected future dividends of a firm? I mean, how is that not confusing? Apparently dividends are everything that a share of a company actually gives us regardless how its price may fluctuate over time? I always thought the changing price over time matters, but obviously not. Isn’t dividends just forecasts, expectations? And can’t they change when, for example, the board of directors decides to increase the proportion of profits the firm pays to equity investors as dividends? Hopefully I’ll adopt a better understanding of this concept in the future, at the moment it’s just making my brain hurt. The reading got even more confusing when moving on from the dividends to cash flow. And yay, some more equations! So when d = C – I +F, then d=dividends, C= operating cash flow, I=Capital outlays and F=Net cash flow from debt owners. I liked that the author defined each part of the equation, explaining what it is and bringing examples, which made the equation a little bit easier to understand. Moving on to Free Cash Flow, the reading stated that it is equal with C-I, so we were able to change the form of the equation to d = FCF + F. Examples brought by the author about his own and his children’s experiences with FCF and dividends clarified my huge cloud of confusion a little bit. I will get it one day, I promise – just have to take baby steps to get my mind around it. I also found out what EBITDA stands for – ‘earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation’, which I came across with in my firm’s annual reports a lot of times. It’s great to get an answer to a question just as easy like that! Reading really does pay off, haha!

Even though the few last pages were kind of confusing containing an enormous amount of information, I still found the chapter enjoyable and enlightening, especially the parts regarding the financial statements. I sure do wish that I would’ve read this chapter before I started constructing the KCQ’s and the spreadsheets on my firm’s annual report – it all makes so much more sense now! Not complete sense, but still a lot more sense.

Top 3 Blogs

It must be said that it was incredibly hard to select a top three. Enormous number of people had put a lot of time and effort into their blogs, with beautiful designs, illustrative pictures, educational posts and engaging reads. Nevertheless we only had to select 3, so following are my 3 favourite blogs.

1) Claudia-Rose Genocchio

Rosie’s blog is just super pretty! The moment I stumbled across it I knew it’s going to be in my top 3. The inspirational top banner makes me think that hey, I really do ‘got this’, even though I don’t. I like reading her posts that are reflecting her as a person, describing her orientation day and first weeks through UNI that I can totally relate to! Like, ONLY 1% of fun at UNI, what even is this? And after the third week I felt like going home as well. Nevertheless all of her posts have an optimistic vibe that engage you to read and that make the posts so much more enjoyable. You can tell that she’s put a lot of effort and time into her blog – absolutely fantastic effort.

2) Megan Sciani

Megan’s blog got my attention with its minimalistic layout and witty posts. I absolutely love the way she writes, it’s engaging, amusing, yet informative. She’s included some interesting posts and facts about her company, that make you want to read even though you’ve never heard about the company before. Every post has a little bit of ‘her’ in it, reflecting her honest reactions and understandings about what she’s writing. The blog is up to date and easy to read, which is important if you’re a wobble-head like me.

3) Julia De Villiers

Julia’s blog is one of my favourites since I can really relate to it. Her blog isn’t all about accounting but also about her whole journey through UNI. Since we’re studying in the same University and doing the same degree, it’s great to see how she is going with her studies. She also posts her lecture notes to her blog so it’s great to have a glance of her notes when I’ve missed a day of school.
I also like the blog’s irregular layout, with humorous pictures grabbing attention that make you want to go and read the post. All of her posts are simple and straight-forward, easy to read and contain all the basic information.



Thursday, April 2, 2015

I think I missed the bus

Throughout the first weeks of UNI, our lecturer kept saying how his job is to do his best to ‘get us all on the bus’. Regardless of his fantastic efforts, I think I missed it. Yeap folks, I missed the bus. All I can see is the back of it and the exhaust fumes that aren't that nice.

During the fourth week of University studies, I feel like UNI’s getting the best of me. I’m so behind on everything already – our assignment drafts were due the end of last week and I haven’t even finished my spreadsheets! And my blog’s been so sad and lonely for a week. It’s absolutely amazing to see how so many people are up on track with their assignments, however, I’m definitely not one of them. There’s so many other assignments and quizzes and proposals and essays and readings that are due which is just so overwhelming. I know, this is sounding like a lot of whining and moaning and I’m so sorry about that! It’s just that I felt like expressing myself and my thoughts and what would be a better place to do it at than my accounting blog!

It’s okay though, I’m still kicking and despite my struggles I’m definitely not giving up. Accounting isn’t that bad as I thought at first and most definitely I’m not letting it to get the best of me! I just feel like I have to pick myself up, start running and catch the bloody bus! Right?!

So bare with me, I believe I can do it and I’m sure whoever is reading this just now - you can do it as well!

Good luck everyone - WE CAN DO THIS!

- Elina

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