
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

More about Domino's Pizza Enterprises

This post is not only to get whoever is reading it hungry. Or maybe it is, a little bit. At least now you feel as I do when researching and collecting information about this company – ALWAYS HUNGRY!
Mmmmmmm Piiiiizzzaaaaa…


Browsing through Domino’s website I found some more information and cool links I thought are worth sharing.

I found out that the CEO of Domino’s Pizza Enterprises – Don Meij is somewhat different from other CEO’s of big companies. Starting as a pizza delivery driver and working his way up, it seems as his approach of being a CEO isn’t all about being in charge, but rather being involved. Instead of hiring someone else to do it, he appears in multiple advertisements and video clips himself, talking directly to the viewer about ‘bringing the best’ to customers as well as the values and future goals of the company.

A whole section of their webpage is committed on how they’re working towards improving their production and how to provide healthier products for customers.


They include the customers in every change they make in the menu and give customers a chance to share their opinions and thoughts on improving the quality of their products:

I also like the 'Live Store Ratings' they have on their webpage, which provides the customer an opportunity to give feedback about the product received and their “Domino’s experience” as well as look at reviews others have given to Domino’s franchises all over Australia.
Live Store Ratings:

Generally when I used to go to Domino’s webpage, all I actually looked at was the menu and how I can get the food delivered to my house as soon as possible. But now, when actually looking INTO the website, there’s so much more! There’s so much information about the company itself and the history of it and leaders of the company and their goals and values and even annual reports! I didn’t even have a clue that I can go to a company’s website and snoop around on numbers and profits!

I will be never again looking at Domino’s website as I used to before..

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